Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hope Springs Forth

“In this world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Hope springs forth from the throes of darkness. Usually in the midst of dark times in life, we find ourselves filled with hurt and loss. We just messed things up. We totally wasted a divine opportunity for victory or favor. We had an opportunity, we missed the opportunity, and the time of prosperity slipped past us. We listened to the wrong voice. We lost sight of where we were headed. We got tired running the race and dropped out. Now we are on the sidelines, staring at the backs of others going forward, wondering what happened. We were sure we knew the will of God one day, but somewhere along the line we made a mistake and the next day we were not able to find our way.

There is always a way back into your next phase in life. You can not only survive but you can find the right road again and thrive. Jeremiah 6:16 says, “This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask which paths are the old, reliable paths. Ask which way leads to blessings. Live that way, and find a resting place for yourselves” (God’s Word Translation). Many people have gone through terrible divorces, bankruptcies, losses of business and homes, diseases and depressions, and many have been able to call upon the Lord and hear Him answer “This is the way walk in it.” They have been able to enter into the new place – the new phase of their life. And so can you.

No matter what situation you find invading your life, you need to know that God is the light in your darkness. Day will always follow night as long as the earth remains. Gen. 8:22. There will come another day – always. You may be in the midst of tribulation, but the believer possesses an over comer’s anointing that will break through the tribulation and give you victory.

An over comer moves beyond. An over comer moves beyond defeats, beyond traumas, beyond wounding, beyond mistakes and beyond failures. An over comer moves past those challenges to gain new strength. An over comer moves forward into the next season with hope. Light springs forth from the midst of darkness.

Each time God moves us past our last failure, each time He causes us to experience triumph, the overcoming anointing enlarges within us. Talk to the LORD. Ask which way leads to blessings. Then choose to live that way. Activate the over comer anointing within and move into the new place. Your best days are ahead of you, beginning today!

Let me know what you think!  Give your reaction below or submit a comment.  I'd love to hear from you.  Be a blessing and share this with someone who could really benefit from it.  Click the small envelope below to forward this message.


  1. This article was so "right on time" for me its not even funny!! I traveled for business this weekend and it was a "failure"... I lost money and was very disappointed with some condemnation. No more!!! I am walking past that failure and into my bright and promising future with God's grace and His Word which has never, ever failed me.

  2. Thank you for your time, energy and prayer in writing this inspiration for us.

  3. Thanks for sharing….i like your blogs. http://www.anointedpressgraphics.com

  4. Thank you for the inspiring words from our Lord Jesus.

  5. Rev Janice,

    God Bless You - I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog.

    Thank you and remain blessed,

  6. Dear Rev Janice,

    Thank you so much for this message. I have mess up big time and completely missed the will of God and put myself under another force putting myself, family and friends and their families at risk. While reading your message I remembered your September Seminar on how God is good even when we mess up. I can just thank God for his love, protection and for bringing people like you in my life. God bless you.

  7. Thanks to everyone for your comments.

    God provides a Word right when we need it! Receive God's grace and His Word and move forward!

    It is a pleasure to provide these insights from the Word of God. I am so glad many are enjoying the messages and receiving needed help and inspiration.

    To anonymous who says he/she has messed up, yes, God is indeed good. The Word of God tells us that it is the goodness of God that leads one to repentance. Romans 2:4. Receive the riches of God's goodness by repenting. Choose to turn away from the thing that placed you, your family, and friends at risk. God will help you and enable you to remain free from that thing. God can clean up messes and make life better.


Let us know what you think! We want to hear from you!